Adding a new enemy type has been turning out more involved than anticipated with the new weapons, motion behavior, and destruction animation. I’ve been repeating parts of the original destruction animation to make it match the new enemy. My nice looking assets from the asset store for the new enemies has their axis reversed from what I wanted to match with the first enemy orientation, so nested them in other objects to overcome this, but it seems to have introduced some overlay problem with the explosion animation. Trying to stay on top of the bugs, though it’s tempting to move forward in the lessons.
One of the teams reported problems with accessing variables across scripts and this has been a common question. So I had a workshop reviewing how to access variables across scripts looking at setting up a handle using the inspector to set values in Unity vs using GameObject.Find in script. Then we looked at accessing components on the objects using GetComponent. The attendees still reported confusion, and I am not the most fluent in this either; so I am looking to do some more examples soon together to get us thinking through how it works with variations as well as how to decide which object to put your script on and related concerns. Also asked the team to do a write up about the issue for one of the Slack channels since this seems will be useful to help others.